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Buyer beware

Kingsley Smythe

A warning from Kingsley Smythe

Over the past decade we have worked hard to establish Kingsley Smythe as a trusted garden furniture company. We have our own manufacturing facilities that have been developed over many years.

We are concerned at the number of web based garden furniture companies that have set up and are claiming to be something they are not. We hear so many stories of people who place orders in good faith and then do not receive their furniture.

Often these companies will use reviews to gain credibility and give reassurance. It may well be that these are genuine – but often they are not.  Fake reviews have become a real problem and can be hard to spot, but there are tell-tale signs to look out for. Here are 5 tips to help you identify whether the reviews you are reading are genuine or not.

If you are considering buying from another company we urge you to do your research into the claims these companies are making. One of the simplest checks to make is simply to see how long they they have been trading for.

For our part we would be happy to answer honestly any questions you might have about us and our services. The testimonials we feature on our site are freely given by genuine Kingsley Smythe customers.

Your Kingsley Smythe Team

Channel 4
Ideal Home Show
Gardeners World Live
Grand Designs London
Good Homes
Salon Prive
Channel 5